
  • Sustainable and Renewable Energy Future

  • Introduction to Fuel Cells and Electrolysis

  • Thermodynamics and Efficiency of Electrochemical Cells

  • Status of FC road vehicles

  • PowerTalk - Panel discussion on the evolution of FCH businesses with Birgit Thoben (Future.Solutions, ex Bosch), Jiri Hrdlicka (AFCenergy), and Vincent Mattelaer (Toyota)

  • Introduction to battery technology

  • History of Batteries and their application (Materials I)

  • Modern Batteries (Materials II)

  • Li-Ion Batteries: Performance Evaluation and Material Types

  • Cell and Pack Designs for Batteries

  • Manufacturing of Batteries

  • Transport Modelling of Batteries

  • Spectroscopy and Diffraction – advanced characterisation techniques

  • All Solid State Li-Ion Batteries

  • System Technology and Safety for Batteries

  • Metal-Air Batteries

  • Beyond Lithium - Resource-Efficient Batteries

  • Challenges of future application (Materials III)


Contact: Manuela Drape Stathoglou

Phone +30 2810300847

Mob.+30 6945793953

Char. Trikoupi ,127

14671 - ATHENS

[email protected]

JESS Summerschool

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