Jess Summerschool


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Business Development Training

Revolutionise your business approach with the Beginner Course on Business Development. Designed for students, entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives to explore creativity in innovation, business building, and alternative business models and methods. Enrol now for priceless results!

Does This Sound Like You?...

  • Are you a student, academic or professional with an interest in entrepreneurship?

  • Are you a student who wants to start a new business?

  • Are you already working in a Corporate, and are you responsible for new products and their business models?

  • Are you working in or leading a Start-Up

  • Are you developing a new business in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells?

Then this course will offer you answers to immediate questions and to challenges you did not know existed.

We will train you in tools for developing innovation and give you key information and insight into how new businesses and products are created.

We will be using hydrogen and fuel cell business examples.

However, the tools and information provided can be used independently of specific business cases.

Achieving this goal is easier said than done.

Do you find yourself facing these challenges?

  • As a Student: You’re bursting with innovative ideas but unsure how to transform them into a thriving business.

  • As an Academic or Professional: You’re passionate about entrepreneurship and eager to turn your expertise into a successful venture.

  • In a Corporate Role: You’re tasked with driving innovation and new business models but need cutting-edge tools and strategies to excel.

  • In or Leading a Start-Up: You’re striving to scale your company and tackle the hurdles of innovation and market validation.

  • In the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Sector: You’re pioneering in this revolutionary field and seeking to create groundbreaking business opportunities.

If these challenges resonate with you, this course is your solution. We offer answers to your pressing questions and unveil challenges you might not have anticipated.

Through our program, you’ll:

  • Gain powerful tools for innovation development.

  • Acquire crucial insights into the creation of new businesses and products.

  • Learn from real-world examples in the hydrogen and fuel cell industry.

Our comprehensive approach ensures that the skills and knowledge you gain are versatile and applicable across various sectors. Let us help you navigate the complexities and turn your aspirations into reality.


It doesn't have to be this way

Gain direct access to top experts:

Prof. Robert Steinberger-Wilckens leader of the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, who runs multiple successful businesses. And hon. assoc. Professor Birgit Thoben from the University of Birmingham, with her own thriving consulting and coaching business.
And Dr. Nett Petchprakai who has launched an innovative consulting business.

Their combined real-world experience and academic expertise offer you a unique blend of practical strategies and actionable insights.

This course provides a powerful roadmap to demystify innovation and business development.

With their guidance, you'll turn obstacles into opportunities and transform your vision into reality.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Join us and unlock your potential to achieve the success you're capable of.

Hear From Our Attendees

Awesome! 5-star rating for the JESS Summerschool!

Filipe Henrique Ravaglio Pasquini

University of Groningen

Birgit I would like to thank you again for the course. It was highly valuable to my career. You are a very good scholar and coach

Fernando Saravaiva Rocha da Silva

University UC Louvain

It was a great opportunity to increase my knowledge and meet people working in my research field.

Angelica Lipone

University of Pisa

Business Development Course: Excellent!

Dmytro Shapko

Business Development and Innovation insights

Your Transformation after this course:

Transform your business journey with insights from leading experts. Our course demystifies innovation and business development, turning challenges into opportunities. Gain practical strategies and actionable insights to unlock your potential and achieve the success you’re capable of.

Live Tutorials and Q&A


Grow with others
within 1 week

Get 5 ECTS with a homework


The Roadmap to achieve your goal

Module 1

Business Development and Innovation Management Insights

Unlock the secrets to successful business development and innovation.

  • Ideation with ChatGPT: Harness AI to generate breakthrough

  • Innovation and Lateral Thinking: Cultivate creative problem-solving skills.

  • Testing Your Market Demand: Validate your ideas with real-world data.

  • Business Canvas from Alex Osterwalder: Master strategic planning tools.

  • Innovation Management: Implement effective innovation strategies.

  • Innovation Culture: Build a culture that fosters creativity and growth.

  • Measuring Innovation Potential: Assess and enhance your innovation capabilities.

Boost your business with cutting-edge insights and practical tools

Module 2

Financing a Business

Learn the essentials of financing and launching your business.

  • Founding a Company: Step-by-step guide to starting your business.

  • Finance & Risk: Master financial planning and risk management.

  • Taxes: Navigate tax obligations and compliance.

  • Employing Staff: Discover effective hiring and employee management strategies.

Equip your startup with vital financial and operational skills.

Module 3

Financing Business Growth

Unlock the secrets to scaling your business.

  • Moving Beyond the Foundation Phase: Understand strategies for scaling up and financing business growth.

  • Raising Money for Business Growth: Learn various funding options, how businesses are valuated, and investor requirements.

  • Communicating with Investors: Master effective investor relations and prepare compelling presentations.

Master the essentials of business growth and investor communication.

Module 4

Business and Product Life Cycle

Understand the dynamics of business and product lifecycles.

  • Business/Product Life Cycle Stages: Differentiate the characteristics of each stage and recognize their impacts.

  • Factors Influencing Performance: Identify micro, meso, and macro-level factors affecting business, environmental, and social performance, and understand stakeholder influences at different levels.

  • Life Cycle Thinking: Enhance business sustainability through life cycle assessment (LCA), eco-design, circular economy concepts, and grasping LCA methodological approaches for impact assessment

Master the essentials of business and product lifecycle management to improve your business ideas and sustainability practices.

Module 5

Sustainable and Innovative Business Models

Transform your business approach with sustainable innovative models.

  • Sustainable Business Models: Understand and implement models like Product Service System (PSS), sharing economy, and servitization to enhance sustainability.

  • Selling Services and Functions: Shift your business focus from products and ownership to providing services and functions, improving sustainability and innovation.

Gain the knowledge and skills to create and sustain innovative business models focused on services.

Module 6

Intellectual Property (IP) Protection

Understand the fundamentals of intellectual property (IP).

  • What is IP?: An introduction to intellectual property and its significance.

  • Types of IP: Overview of various IP types and their specific issues.

  • Approaches to Protecting IP: Strategies and mechanisms for safeguarding intellectual property.

Equip your startup with vital financial and operational skills.


You're life after taking this course...

  • Able to use ChatGPT for Ideation.

  • You know how to use creativity methods to identify the idea/topic which you should focus on first to create a business.

  • What are Innovations and what is needed for Innovation.

  • What is Lateral Thinking and how can it inspire inside the business context.

  • How to test market demand of your product idea simple online to have a first glance.

  • How to create and use a Business Canvas from Alexander Osterwalder in a simplified form.

  • How to measure the innovation potential of a company.

  • What to consider founding a company.

    • Finances & Risks.

    • Taxes.

    • Employing staff.

  • How businesses finance growth works.

  • How businesses are valuated.

  • What information investors want to see.

  • How to differentiate characteristics of each business and product life cycle stage.

    • Able to identify various types of factors, which are influenced by stakeholders from micro, meso, and macro levels, and influence the business

    • Able to identify the influence of the business in each stage on environmental, and social performance

    • How to improve their business ideas to be more sustainable by using life cycle assessment, eco-design, and the circular economy concept.

  • Understand the impact assessment by life cycle assessment (LCA) approach, three LCA methodological approaches (waste, system, and feedstock), as well as materials, product, and waste flow loops.

  • Understand different sustainable innovative business models e.g. product service system (PSS) sharing economy, servitization, etc..

  • How to improve your business ideas to be more sustainable by selling services and functions rather than products and ownership.

  • Overview of IP types and their issues.

    • Overview of protection mechanisms.

Awesome! 5-star rating for the JESS Summerschool!

Filipe Henrique Ravaglio Pasquini

University of Groningen

Birgit I would like to thank you again for the course. It was highly valuable to my career. You are a very good scholar and coach

Fernando Saravaiva Rocha da Silva

University UC Louvain

It was a great opportunity to increase my knowledge and meet people working in my research field.

Angelica Lipone

University of Pisa

Business Development Course: Excellent!

Dmytro Shapko

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